Love That Red

Everything You Need to Know

Lesson to Make – Self

You would think that after spending an hour in a makeup chair with a ‘professional’ fussing over your face that you would look flawless and magazine ready. Wrong.

A good friend of mine; Georgia, arranged for us to attend a makeup course last night and although it was free I would have paid just to see Georgia’s deathly glare as the chirpy makeup chick applied bright pink rosy blush to the apples of Georgia’s cheeks….the apples? Always a BIG no no and with Georgia, the girl hasn’t been seen with a smidgen of pink makeup since dance classes in the 90’s – what was the makeup chick thinking!

My turn arrived and I was told I had beautiful ‘Jade’ (what the) eyes and Sandra bullock features……well I guess that’s better than the Toni Collette similarity comment….The makeup chick– who was wearing bright pink lip-gloss and had a black plastered bob (never a good idea) – spent over an hour making me look like an old woman; caked on foundation, weird green liner and PEACH lips……PEACH! And not a good pinkie peach which would suit me but an orange peach. Dear god, what is the world coming to where makeup ‘professionals’ do such a shit job.

I was hoping to come away from last night with some tips for you but I think I will stick with what I know works as it appears that my advice is worth a lot more.

The essentials that every girl should own in her makeup draw are as follows –

1 ) Primer – You need a smooth surface to start with, Revlon and Red Earth both have a great primer for under $30

2 ) Concealer – Great for skin blemishes or dark circles. Use matt for covering blemishes and an oil based concealer for under the eye as this is where we get fine lines and are the most de-hydrated

3 ) Foundation – Unless you have terrible skin, daytime skin should basically need a simple sheen of tinted moisturiser (Essential: SPF) or a dusting of mineral makeup (Nude Minerals = AMAZING!)

Night-time requires a bit more coverage and make sure that the foundation you choose hasn’t got any Titanium Dioxide in it (found in sunscreen) as it reflects light when a photo is taken making you appear pasty and white.

Note: Foundation is something worth investing in; Lancôme, MAC and Mecca Cosmetica all have beautiful ranges and a range of colours.

4 ) Bronzer – A product you don’t need to spend much money on, just make sure the tone is gold based rather than pink based as you can end up looking burnt – The Savvy range carries a great bronzer for less than $5

5 ) Blush – Either use a cream based pink blush – Bourjois has a beautiful one in rose OR my favourite blush is the range from Red Earth, and I have one in each colour as it depends on a number of factors. So there is a pale pink, deeper pink, rose, tangerine, peach and tan.

6 ) Eyeliner – Rimmel and Pupa black kohl eyeliner are my favourites and it seems that the rest of the country agrees with me. Each Priceline in Australia sells 14 Rimmel black kohl eyeliner’s per day and it is not the only store that sells them! It glides on easily and at only $8.50 you can’t go wrong.

Revlon and Chanel both do beautiful liquid eyeliner’s; mastering the art of creating the perfect cat eye is easier with the aid of these two.

7 ) Mascara! Enough said everyone has their favourites! So keep coating it on! (My favourites are from Almay, Napoleon, Model CO, and Maybelline.

8 ) Wipes – Easy, Cheap and disposable.

9 ) Eye makeup remover – Never go to bed with panda eyes

10 ) Tools – The most important essential. Splash out on a good brush set and wash them once a week.

So there you have it – your top ten makeup essentials, always keep them clean (your skin will thank you for it), throw them out after 6 months and keep them organized. I have a large draw full of clear plastic containers that separate each category e.g. Lipsticks/Lip liners/Lip Gloss.
No more searching and hunting ladies! Your daily requirements are listed right here!


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